Musikfestival in Aying

From April 14th – 16th Sophie Pacini, the Ayinger “Gmoa Kultur”, die municipality of Aying and the Brauerei Aying welcome to the first edition of the newly founded musical festival “NUANCEN”. The long held idea of Sophie Pacini ist to invite internationally acclaimed artists to perform in Aying and to create by this an opportunity to experience highly sophisticated music and culture on the outside of big cities and their well known concert places. Another very important focus of the festival will be to give also young musicians a platform to meet the artists and work with them during master classes.

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Sophie Pacini’s new album “PUZZLE” wins “SUPERSONIC AWARD” of Pizzicato Magazine Luxembourg

On January 13th Sophie Pacini’s new Album “PUZZLE” with works by Chopin and Skrjabin was released.

Remy Franck awarded her new album immediately with the high acclaimed “Supersonic Award” and says in his review:

“Sophie Pacini begins her Chopin program with a highly dramatic First Ballade. She plays with a naturalness and a coherence that ballad specialist Horowitz (for all the outstanding quality of his playing) never actually achieved, neither in 1947 nor in 1982 and certainly not in his rather mannered recording of 1968. Pacini’s interpretation is of one piece, it flows from beginning to end and yet misses nothing that is essential, reaches all moments of expression and all contrasts. In this way and only in this way, with this original and personal emotionality, this Ballade achieves a maximally compelling power and becomes that passionate narrative whose content Chopin only captured musically, allowing a deep glimpse into his soul. (…) “

Sophie Pacini and Charles Adriaenssen for OUTHERE

Sophie Pacini just signed a long term exclusive contract with the major label OUTHERE.

With OUTHERE Sophie found a label that will support her and help her to realize her ideas of re- concept the classical music performances by transforming it into an “moment for yourself” and taking the relevance of classical music in the daily life as her main lead. Her new Album “Puzzle” will be released on January 13th 2023 with works by Chopin and Skrjabin. It will be her probably most intimate concept album and gives a summary of works that restrained and formed her introspection and are a permanent font of courage and inspiration in her daily life.

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Sophie Pacini launches her own Festival “NUANCEN”

Sophie Pacini realised her long-held dream to realize her own musical Festival, inviting international colleagues to her home town Aying, a fairytale place in the surroundings of Munich with the most beautiful Bavarian landscape in between the alps and many lakes.

Together with the municipality of Aying and it’s major Peter Wagner as well as the support of Ayinger Privatbrauerei/ Franz Inselkammer the first edition will take place from 14th to 16th of April 2023.

Together with Sebastian Manz, clarinet and Maximilian Hornung, cello Sophie will present three different concert events with music of various genres.

Detailed programme will be out on November 26th.

Sophie Pacini and Martha Argerich on Blu-Ray

Happy Release of the Blu-ray on ARTHAUS with Martha Argerich and Sophie Pacini playing live a piano duo concert in Vienna at the Wiener Konzerthaus for New Years eve. On the program are works by Mozart and Liszt for two pianos.

Sophie Pacini and Martha Argerich got standing ovations for their first concert together in Munich’s Herkulessaal on April 6th.

On the program was the Sonata for two pianos D major by Mozart, Sophie also performed solo two Consolations by Liszt as well as the Overture on Tannhäuser by Wagner transcribed for piano solo by Liszt and in the end the “Reminiscences de Don Juan” by Liszt for two pianos.

Next performances of this program will be next season in Wiesbaden Kurhaus as well as in Gewandhaus zu Leipzig.


Ernsthaft, jeden Abend?

Interview für VAN-Magazin mit der Autorin Hannah Schmidt

2020 ist kaputt. Schon jetzt. Die Bayreuther Festspiele wurden abgesagt und das große Mahlerfestival in Amsterdam, sowieso Tausende große und kleine Konzerte und etliche Opernvorstellungen, das große Beethovenjahr ist bisher ein Jahr ohne Musik. Viele Musiker*innen sitzen in ihren Wohnungen und bangen um ihre Existenz, und sehr viele, ob sie nun existenziell getroffen sind oder nicht, versuchen sich irgendwie anders zu beschäftigen. Die Pianistin Sophie Pacini verlässt ihr Haus auch nur in Ausnahmefällen und verbringt deshalb viel Zeit an ihrem Privatflügel, in ihrer »Werkstatt«, wie sie sie nennt. Übt, reflektiert, übt. Das Musiker*innensein geht ja weiter. In der Community ist ein gewisser Trotz spürbar, der Wunsch, einfach so gut es geht so weiterzumachen wie bisher – und das äußert sich vor allem in überall auftauchenden Streaming-Videos in Sozialen Netzwerken. Tun wir uns damit einen Gefallen?

Sophie Pacini produziert Sendeformate mit dem Deutschlandfunk – Sophie Pacini produces radio shows for the German National Radio

Nach der erfolgreichen Ausstrahlung von diversen Musiksendungen im Deutschlandfunk mit Sophie Pacini am Klavier und Mikrophon, produziert sie nun gemeinsam mit Christoph Schmitz, dem Ressortleiter “Musik” des Deutschlandfunks in Köln acht weitere Sendungen. Sendestart ist Mai 2021.

Following the successful broadcast of various radio shows Sophie Pacini did for the German National Radio (Deutschlandfunk), she will produce eight further radio shows with senior editor Christoph Schmitz, head of the “Music” department at Deutschlandfunk in Cologne. First Airdate is May 2021.

Sophie Pacini - Gedanken zu Musik 3

Sophie Pacini produziert Sendeformate mit dem Deutschlandfunk – Sophie Pacini produces radio shows for the German National Radio

Nach der erfolgreichen Ausstrahlung von diversen Musiksendungen im Deutschlandfunk mit Sophie Pacini am Klavier und Mikrophon, produziert sie nun gemeinsam mit Christoph Schmitz, dem Ressortleiter “Musik” des Deutschlandfunks in Köln acht weitere Sendungen. Sendestart it Mai 2021.

Following the successful broadcast of various radio shows Sophie Pacini did for the German National Radio (Deutschlandfunk) she is now producing eight further shows together with Christoph Schmitz, the head of the “Music” department at Deutschlandfunk in Cologne. Start of broadcasting in May 2021.

Sophie Pacini - Pianistin als BR-Klassik Vertretung

Tour Dates

Staatsorchester Braunschweig, Mozart: Klavierkonzert 488

Dirigent: Mino Marani

Staatsorchester Braunschweig, Mozart: Klavierkonzert 488

Dirigent: Mino Marani

Staatsorchester Braunschweig, Mozart: Klavierkonzert 488

Dirigent: Mino Marani


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